Pros and cons of Photoshop

Photoshop – to love it or leave it? It has long been the go-to tool for graphic designers and creatives in the advertising industry. However, there are two sides to Photoshop.

With Brinna’s plugin for Photoshop you can combine an infinite number of design elements like images, headlines, and graphics to create volumes of unique ads in minutes. Sign up to be one of our first users.

In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of Photoshop for ad creation from a marketing professional viewpoint. In addition, we will share how Photoshop plugins, like Brinna, can make your ad workflow more efficient in Photoshop. 

Pros of using Photoshop for ad creation

Let’s start by discussing some of the pros of Photoshop for ad creation.

  1. Powerful editing tools. These allow designers to manipulate images, create intricate graphics, as well as add stunning effects. Such capabilities are essential for producing high-quality ads that capture attention.
  2. Layer management. The ability to work with layers provides designers with control over their projects. Layers enable non-destructive editing. Thus, it is easier to adjust individual elements without affecting the entire design.

  3. Versatility and flexibility. Photoshop’s versatility allows designers to create ads for various formats. These include print, digital, and social media. There is an extensive set of features that support everything from photo retouching to advanced graphic design.

  4. Integration with other Adobe products. Other Adobe Creative Cloud applications, such as Illustrator and After Effects, are easily accessible and support the workflow. Assets move between programs smoothly.

  5. High-quality. Professional visuals stand out thanks to tools such as advanced color correction and image enhancement.

Cons of using Photoshop for ad creation

But, there are some buts…

  1. Steep learning curve. Photoshop can be overwhelming for beginners. The learning curve is steep. Significant time and effort is needed to master the software. This can be a barrier for new designers.
  2. Time-consuming for repetitive tasks. While Photoshop excels in creative editing, it can be time-consuming for repetitive tasks. These include resizing images for different ad formats or creating multiple versions of an ad. Also, these tasks often require manual adjustments which slows down the whole process.

  3. Lack of built-in versioning. There is no built-in version control and to manage multiple versions of a a design is a struggle. Designers need to manually save different versions which in turn makes the risk of potential errors to grow.

  4. Resource-intensive. You need a powerful computer to run Photoshop smoothly. Large file sizes and complex projects can slow down performance. And this again affects productivity.

  5. Subscription-based model. For freelancers and small businesses Adobe Creative Cloud and its subscription-based model can be too expensive. Additionally, the ongoing cost can be a burden for those with limited budgets.

  6. Lack of collaborative features. There are no collaborative features which makes it impossible to work together with other people on the files.

Enter Brinna for Photoshop plugin!

So, Photoshop has its drawbacks. But the good news is that the Brinna for Photoshop plugin can address many of these. Especially when it comes to ad creation.

  1. Automated versioning. With Brinna designers can manage multiple versions of their ads effortlessly. This feature reduces the risk of errors and streamlines the workflow, too. 
  2. Efficiency in repetitive tasks. Resizing images and creating different ad formats – all automated. This saves time and allows designers to focus on the creative aspects of their work. 
  3. Seamless integration. Brinna is where you are, that is in Photoshop. Therefore, no need for additional software. Talk about a smooth user experience! 
  4. User-friendly interface. Designed to be user-friendly. Brinna’s interface simplifies complex tasks, reducing the learning curve. 
  5. Cost-effective solution. Increasing efficiency AND reducing time spent on repetitive tasks. It’s a win-win-win. The time saved translates into cost savings, making it a valuable addition to any designer’s toolkit. 

How do I get this amazing tool, Brinna?

To conclude, Photoshop is a powerful tool for ad creation. It offers numerous benefits, such as powerful editing tools, versatility, and high-quality output. However, it also has its limitations. Such as a steep learning curve and lack of built-in versioning.

With tools like The Brinna for Photoshop plugin, designers can overcome these challenges. Brinna makes ad creation much faster.

Are you looking to streamline your ad creation process? Do you want to make the most of Photoshop’s capabilities?

Well, then you have come to the right place!

We are looking for the first test users for the Brinna Photoshop plugin. Sign up in here!