How many ads are just right?

How many ads are just right?
How many ads should you run to capture attention without annoying your audience? The answer lies in striking the right balance between engagement and ad fatigue. Here’s how you find the perfect number for digital campaigns.
With Brinna’s plugin for Photoshop you can combine a large number of design elements like images, headlines, and graphics to create volumes of unique ads in minutes. 

Imagine you’re scrolling through your favorite app, and the same ad appears over and over. You start ignoring it, right? This is “ad fatigue,” and it’s something marketers desperately want to avoid.

3 to 7 exposures

Research shows the optimal number of times a person should see an ad is between 3 to 7 exposures — just enough to make an impact without becoming annoying. Nielsen reports that consumers tend to engage most when exposed to ads between 3 to 5 times, where they are neither overwhelmed nor indifferent to the content.

Key components when optimizing your ads

5 to 10 versions

But it’s not just about repeating the same ad. Experts recommend using 5 to 10 different versions throughout the campaign. Think of it as keeping a conversation fresh: a mix of video, images, and interactive ads can better hold attention.

Multiple formats perform better

Facebook data even shows that campaigns with multiple formats perform better. This strategy allows marketers to test variations without overextending their budget or risking higher costs per acquisition during the learning phase of the campaign.

How to break through the sea of information

Personalize for higher click-through

Personalization also helps. Tailored ads have higher click-through rates, but there’s a fine line. Over-targeting can make users feel like they’re being followed, leading to negative reactions.

Test and adjust

The key is to test and adjust. Using tools like Brinna for Photoshop, marketers can easily experiment with different numbers of ads and monitor what resonates best. Ultimately, a blend of variety, frequency, and personalization is essential for a successful digital campaign that captures attention without overwhelming the audience.

Faster ad creation in Photoshop